One terrible way to hurt someone is to ignore them. I remember a few times, as I was growing up, when my mom would get upset with my dad (now-don’t worry-we just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary) and she would pull out the “ignore” weapon. It was so weird and awkward and uncomfortable around the house for those few days.

If we were driving somewhere, like going to church-HA!-she would just sit there are stare out the window and act like no one was around. Apparently if dad offended mom, somehow we also got roped into the offense as well. She would just sulk, making a point to say nothing to any of us. I can not imagine WHAT my dad said to her or did not say to her to cause the “ignore” treatment to ensue, but it must have always been so terrible in her mind to justify a few days of completely pretending like NONE of us were around.
It was difficult for me as a child to wrap my head around “WHY” she was choosing this particular weapon (or WHY she needed to choose a weapon at all?). My dad was-and IS-such a great husband, father, and provider. He is so loving and good and kind and hilariously funny. But-of course-he IS human, so I can imagine he probably did mess up from time ot time. But, my mom grew up in a VERY, VERY, VERY VERY (times 1,000,000) dysfunctional family. I am sure ignoring each other was a weapon of choice and that it only added to creating more weapons and wars in their home.
I tried using this weapon a few times at my house with my husband, but decided it was NOT a good one against my family…….especially when my husband pulled out the “YOU ARE ACTING LIKE YOUR MOTHER” phrase-the BOMB of all BOMBS.
I digress…..
So, this all got me thinking……..this is probably a lot like the atheist to God (just bare with me here…..). They simply ignore Him. Even though He is so loving and good and kind, they choose to look the other way and often times also ignore His children in the process as well. Usually it is a result of growing up in a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY (times 1,000,000) dysfunctional situation where a lot of weapons were used and at the end of the day, the offended throws the blame in the wrong direction.
Eventually, my mom had to make a choice. IF she wanted to do the right thing, she needed to talk to my dad (like a REAL adult) and acknowledge the utter silliness in her behavior. IF she continued to ignore him, her marriage, her life, everything would just fall apart.
Romans 1:19-20 tells us that God has made Himself obvious to the whole world and that we are “without excuse” when we refuse to acknowledge Him-even flat out ignore Him.
In reality, the truth of God is known instinctively, for God has embedded this knowledge inside every human heart. Opposition to truth cannot be excused on the basis of ignorance, because from the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as his eternal power and transcendence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone with out excuse.
Romans 1:19-20 tpt
If you are married, don’t use the ignore weapon! It really is a weapon and it not only hurts your spouse, but it really hurts the children.
If you are an atheist, ponder Romans 1:19-23. You are without excuse.
If you are an atheist who is married, I don’t know what to tell you? I have seen life done both ways-those who ignore and those who don’t. Thankfully, my mom eventually learned to lay down that weapon and respond like a big girl. Maybe that is where we all need to start!
Somebody Help the Girl…….who needs to lay down the ignore weapon.
I tried