Because this girl needs all the help she can get, it is appropriate to begin with how she even got here.
It was NOT on her own.
- Her parents were instrumental in helping her even get born-so let’s give thanks for that.
- And… they would not be here either, save for their parents-so let’s give thanks for that, too.
- And the good Lord had a part in all of it anyways-so let’s give Him thanks for that, too.
This girl loves music, art, people, creating, working hard and fitting in whatever can be fit into a day.
She was raised on salmon cakes, Sunday school, and a solid education. She now raises herself with a hot cup of Joe and a good dose of Jesus every morning.
She also has an amazing husband. She has finally had to just encourage him to LISTEN to her myriad ideas, nod and say “That’s nice, dear.” They have kept marriage over 20+ years now but have known about each other for much longer.
She has two amazing little girls who are the fodder and inspiration for SomebodyHelptheGirl.com simply because they exist in the world of “kid-hood” and make her laugh almost everyday-except when they make her cry-which happens mostly on the days they are homeschooling
Her passion is to help the girls, all girls, all ages, all walks of life, to be inspired to live the life the good Lord intends for us all to live. She also intends to help the boys, too, if they need it, because let’s agree they do.
She desires to help our nation’s crises pregnancy centers-two of which are linked on this website. If you find that you need help in this area, please contact them!