Do you see my joy?
I remember the first time I ate a crepe. I was a junior in my high school french class. My teacher was “off the boat” French and she decided we would make crepes. She brought in a hot plate. She brought in this huge bowl of what looked like pancake mix. She brought in whipped cream and berries and Nutella spread and chocolate chips and OH-how I LOVED my french class.
Getting the opportunity to take French was a dream I achieved once I entered high school. I couldn’t wait to go to French class everyday. I would leave French class and then head to art class. I would always try to speak to my other classmates in French. I am sure they thought I was a total WEIRD-O.

Eat like a Fruit Roll-Up…..
Anyways-back to the crepe.
It was light and fluffy and eggy all at the same time. It had this hint of lemon and had a certain “feel”. All the yummy toppings were rolled perfectly inside and I felt “special” somehow when I ate something that was prepared for me by an actual French lady who loved her food and culture. Also-I didn’t feel all gross and full after I ate them like I do when I eat pancakes. (And, I’m pretty sure most French folks would be appalled seeing me eat my crepe like a fruit roll-up……)
OH-and the Nutella! This was also the first time I had Nutella! If you do not know what this is, please do yourselves a favor and go purchase a jar RIGHT now and make this recipe and see if you, too, do not believe this whole concoction is a recipe from heaven.
I adapted this recipe from an old Shape magazine article as well as my best recollection from what my teacher taught us that day.
1 whole lemon
1 cup white (organic if possible) all-purpose flour (do NOT use whole wheat-it will not work)
4 egg whites
1 cup non-fat milk
1/3 cup water
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 TBSP baker’s sugar
1 tsp melted butter OR coconut oil

4 egg whites
First, crack your eggs to extract egg whites. Reserve the yolks for another time (Did you ever hear about the newest Fairy Tale? Egg White and the 7 Dwarfs? Ha! Get the Yolk?……….).
Add 1 cup of flour to your blender (I use my Vitamix for this one!) You can then add melted coconut oil (or butter), milk, & water.

1 cup white (organic if possible) all-purpose flour

1 TB oil & 1 cup milk

1/3 cup water
You now want to add some FLAVOR into your crepe. I was appalled that this teacher of mine added lemon into the batter. I had never heard of such a thing. But now a days-food is so “scienc-y” and I have gained an understanding of the benefit of adding “acids” to your foods. They not only cut the sweetness, but add a layer of flavor to many dishes!

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 lemon zested

Juice from the same lemon…
Also-don’t forget to add your sugar-2 TBSP’s………..

Mix together
Once everything is in the blender and looking kind of gross-give it a swirl for about 30 seconds (don’t over-swirl or you’ll get stiff egg whites…..I don’t have a good joke for that).

After Swirl (AS)
Turn on your burner and – I would suggest you get a non-stick pan (yes-I am NOT a fan of teflon, BUT for anything with eggs, I am……….)

Heat to medium

Spray with oil (or use butter)

Pour enough to barely cover pan

Swirl until pan is covered completely!
Now wait about 30 seconds and you will start to see little bubbles all around the edges of your crepe. Wait another 30 seconds and then -using a thin spatula-FLIP! If the underside was brown-you done good, girl……..

If unsure, check for brown…but usually 1 minute will do it!
Cook for another 30 seconds then slide onto a plate. With this recipe, you will get about 10-12 crepes. I have doubled it in the past-and things just did not turn out quite the same. So-if you want more, just make a second round of batter.

Slide onto a plate
Smear with NUTELLA and some yummy whipped cream. I roll mine into a little crepe burrito and serve with a cup of coffee. Then, I dream of walking the streets of Paris in my little beret and saying “Oui! Oui! C’est Magnifique!”

Smear with Nutella and pour a Cuppa Joe and say “Oui! Oui! C’est Magnifique!!!”